Moment tensor and force grids¶
Currently implemented moment tensor grids¶
Currently implemented force grids¶
Using moment tensor grids¶
Moment tensor grids created in the above manner can be iterated over like a NumPy array or list, or individual grid points can be accessed by the following methods:
to return the i-th moment tensor as a MomentTensor objectUse
to return the i-th moment tensor as a NumPy array (Mrr, Mtt, Mpp, Mrp, Mrt, Mtp)Use
to return the i-th moment tensor as dictionary of Tape2015 parameters rho, v, w, kappa, sigma, h
Using force grids¶
Force grids created in the above manner can be iterated over like a NumPy array or list, or individual grid points can be accessed by the following methods:
to return the i-th force as a Force objectUse
to return the i-th force as a NumPy array (Fr, Ft, Fp)Use
to return the i-th force as dictionary of parameters F0, phi, h
More details¶
For additional usage information, see Grid for regularly-spaced grids or UnstructuredGrid for randomly-drawn grids.
Moment tensor grids are implemented using the rho, v, w, kappa, sigma, h parameterization from Tape2015.
Force grids are implemented using parameters F0, phi, h, which are related to r, phi, theta spherical coordinates (physics convention) by F0 = r, phi = phi, h = cos(theta). In addition, F0, phi, h are related to geographic directions by these formulas.
Random moment tensors are drawn from the uniform distributions described by Tape2015.