
GreensTensorList.get_synthetics(source, components=['Z', 'R', 'T'], stats=None, mode='apply', **kwargs)[source]

Generates synthetics through a linear combination of time series

Returns an MTUQ Dataset

Input arguments

source (MomentTensor, Force or CompositeSource): Source object

components (list): List containing zero or more of the following components: Z, R, T. (Defaults to ['Z', 'R', 'T'].)

stats (obspy.Trace.Stats object): ObsPy Stats object that will be attached to the synthetics (Defaults to GreensTensor station attributes.)


Different ways of generating synthetics are possible (including in-place methods suitable for use in mtuq/

  • When get_synthetics(inplace=True) is called, the existing stream and trace objects are reused, and only the numeric trace data gets overwritten

  • When get_synthetics(inplace=False) is called, new stream and trace objects are allocated

  • When _set_components() is called prior to

get_synthetics(inplace=True), the existing stream is reused but new trace objects are allocated